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California gas prices now stand at an all-time national record of $5.57 per gallon average - roughly $1.50 more than the national average! Even worse, analysts predict we could soon be at $7-9 per gallon average in California - though some stations in urban areas of the state are already charging that.
Contrary to what some politicians and media outlets are trying to claim, the price spikes are not all the fault of the Russia-Ukraine conflict. In fact, Democrats have long supporting policies that have restricted the domestic production and supply of oil and gas - with the result to drive up energy costs and reliance on foreign oil and gas.
What receives little notice is that fact that California Democrats have added even more cost to filling up your tank by imposing the highest state gas taxes in the country.
Carl DeMaio, chairman of Reform California, has launched a grassroots campaign to suspend all state gas taxes through his “Gas Tax Holiday” proposal. (Sign up at
“Working families are getting crushed, and state politicians must provide immediate and direct relief by suspending the state’s high gas tax,” said DeMaio.
DeMaio’s proposal would suspend three costly state gas taxes:
Total Immediate Savings to Californians: $1.11-1.26 per gallon
DeMaio says his proposed “Gas Tax Holiday” proposal would also give national policymakers time to change their misguided policies and finally let oil and gas companies ramp up domestic production. Industry experts warn it could take 8-12 months for domestic production to increase.
What has been the response to DeMaio’s proposal by leading California Democrat politicians?
In the words of Vladimir Putin, “Nyet!”
State Senator Scott Wiener (D) called any idea to suspend state gas taxes “a bad idea,” saying that the action will have “very little impact on gas prices.”
Quite the contrary. By suspending the state’s costly taxes on gas, DeMaio says the average California family will save over $215 per month immediately.
In his annual State of the State address, Gov. Gavin Newsom also seemed to reject the idea of a “Gas Tax Holiday” - though Newsom raised the idea that he would propose a “rebate” to Californians and would soon be releasing details on that proposal.
DeMaio rejects Newsom’s rebate proposal as a “deceptive and cheap political stunt.”
“A politician promising you a so-called ‘rebate’ at some far-off point in the future is not the same as being able to save immediately at the pump,” DeMaio scoffed. “By keeping the high gas taxes in place, what Newsom is saying is ‘give me your money now and I might give you a little back later on’ - and anyone who trusts him is a fool,” DeMaio noted.
The only other proposal Newsom has made is to delay the scheduled annual increase of the state gas tax in July 1, 2022 by 2.86 cents. Unfortunately, his fellow Democratic leaders Assembly Speaker Anthony Rendon and Senate President Pro Tem Toni Atkins immediately pushed back on the proposal, fearing a decline in state revenue.
“The loss of over $500 million … is concerning,” Atkins said. Yet according to those same Democratic leaders, California’s budget is currently running a $46 billion surplus annually.
Republican state legislators - including Assemblymen James Gallagher and Kevin Kiley - have joined DeMaio’s push with proposals to suspend at least the $51.1 cent per gallon Gas Excise Tax.
DeMaio says he believes enough public pressure being applied to Newsom and Democrat legislators could force action on his “Gas Tax Holiday” proposal. Moreover, inaction by Democrats could cost them seats in 2022.
“You and I both know that California’s liberal politicians don’t want to do the right thing and suspend these taxes – but we need to get them all on record on their position on this proposal,” said DeMaio. “That way if they don’t suspend the gas taxes during this crisis, we can use their inaction as an argument to defeat them in the 2022 elections,” he explained.
DeMaio is asking all Californians to sign the petition today to suspend these state gas taxes and lower the price at the pump immediately.
Sign the Petition: Suspend the California Gas Taxes
DeMaio and Reform California say they need help running ads to toss-up and undecided voters across the state urging them to join the call for the “Gas Tax Holiday.”
Join the Fight: Demand California Politicians Suspend the Gas Tax