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Just as the 2022 election year kicks off, California Governor Gavin Newsom says he will use $65 million of taxpayer funds ($146 million when you include state government overhead!!) to hire 6500 college students to engage in “community organizing” and issue advocacy. The program is dubbed the “CaliforniansForAll College Corps”
The program “looks, feels, and smells like a political advocacy campaign designed to help Democrats win races in California in 2022,” Carl DeMaio stated.
DeMaio says he is seeing a pattern of California Democrats using taxpayer funds for political canvass programs. For example, last year during the Recall Election, California Democrat politicians voted to use government funds to hire canvassers to go door-to-door while Recall ballots dropped to discuss the importance of combating Covid-19. Newsom made Covid-19 the centerpiece of his campaign against the Recall.
In the November 2022 election, California has 8 “toss-up” seats for US Congress, 6 seats for State Senate and 10 seats for State Assembly. The program is timed to be executed during the Fall Semester (which is conveniently the same time that the November election will decide which party wins these toss-up seats.)
In addition, illegal immigrants (Dreamers) are eligible to hold taxpayer-funded jobs under this program.
“The #CaliforniansForAll College Corps advances these priorities by connecting Californians of different backgrounds with enriching service opportunities throughout the state while making college more affordable for our state’s future leaders. We hope the Corps will be replicated across the nation,” Governor Gavin Newsom stated.
“You can prop up a program by using poor college students as the window dressing, but this is nothing more than politicians using taxpayer funds to try to engage in advocacy on the issues that favor the Left-wing at the same time that an election is going on,” DeMaio stated.
DeMaio says the use of taxpayer funds by California politicians to finance Left-wing organizations is much larger than this latest $140 million college canvassing program. DeMaio warns millions more are being diverted to Left-wing organizations in every California community – and it is time that taxpayers learn just how much of their tax funds are being used for political purposes.
Can taxpayers do anything to stop their tax dollars from being used to finance Left-wing organizations? DeMaio says yes they can and is urging concerned taxpayers to support a research project being launched by the non-profit Transparency Foundation.
“The only way for us to stop California politicians from using our tax dollars to fund their Left-wing political causes is to expose just how much of our tax money they are inappropriately diverting for this purposes – and that’s why I’m supporting the Transparency Foundation’s audit of fund transfers in California to Left-wing groups,” DeMaio said.