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Problems include ballots sent to voters who moved away long ago, duplicate/triplicate ballots, and ballots for dead people and illegal immigrants
San Diego, CA – Reform California released a bombshell research study providing proof that Californians are being inundated with “bad election ballots” that have been sent by state election officials in error. This report includes results of a survey of voters revealing nearly one-out-of-ten California households have received some kind of “bad ballot” in the mail.
To provide concrete proof of the problems surfaced in the survey, Reform California also provides actual pictures of “bad ballots” and testimonials from voters who say they received duplicate or triplicate ballots for themselves or received ballots for dead people, illegal immigrants, or people who do not even live at their house.
“The evidence in this report is irrefutable proof that California’s voter rolls are a complete mess and the risk of voter fraud in California’s election has never been greater,” said Carl DeMaio, Chairman of Reform California. “When almost one-out-of-ten households in an election in a state are receiving some form of bad ballots that is a massive problem that could impact races that are decided by fractions of a percent in vote totals,” DeMaio warned.
The following are the results from a survey Reform California conducted between October 10-13 using online and text screens of 1251 registered voters (4.4% MOE) in California asking them if their household received any erroneous ballots in the mail.*
*Note: 106 responses (8.5%) indicated no ballot had been received yet.
**Numbers off due to rounding.
Duplicate Ballots Mailed to Individual Voters
Reform California compiled examples of multiple ballots individual voters received with the exact same name on the ballot but a different voter identification number. While California election officials check to see if a ballot is cast twice using the same voter identification number, systems are not in place to properly review for an individual to vote twice or three times using multiple voter identification numbers. As reflected in the attached examples of bad ballots, Peggy Smith in San Diego, CA received one ballot using her familiar name and also received a second ballot for her legal name of Margaret Smith.
Receiving Ballots at Wrong Household
The most common problem identified by Reform California relates to the state mailing ballots to addresses that the individual does not live at. In some cases these erroneously mailed ballots were sent to an individual who no longer lives at the address in question – having moved away long ago. In other cases the ballots were mailed to homes where the current long-time residents had no idea who the individuals were. One individual in Jamul, CA reported and provided proof of receiving 11 extra ballots at their address for individuals who do not live there.
Ballots for Dead People
Reform California received several reports of deceased individuals receiving ballots – some having died long ago.
Ballots for Illegal Immigrants
Reform California even captured several examples of illegal immigrants receiving ballots. Detecting this problem is difficult as it requires someone to admit they are not a citizen and not eligible to vote, but several individuals courageously reported these bad ballots to the study.
Evidence and Testimonials
In addition to the survey, Reform California contacted individuals to request that they send in photos or copies of bad ballots and provide written testimonials documenting their experience with erroneous election ballots. Complete contact information is available for bona fide media organizations wishing to interview these individuals. Here is a sampling of testimonials received:
“Not sure how 3 different Voter IDs can be issued 3 times to the same person, email address and home address.”
–Michael from Chula Vista
“As of this date I have received ballots for 11 people who do not live at this address.”
–Anthony from Jamul
“We have been trying to get Kern county to purge my son’s name from the election rolls, he has been a citizen of Texas for the last 13 years.”
–Bob from Bakersfield
“In 2001, I dated this girl named Sue, and Amanda was her daughter – but we broke up a year later. I have not heard from Amanda since and do not know of her whereabouts but I got a ballot for her in the mail.”
–Keith from Hanford
“I received a ballot for my deceased father, Joseph Reid. He passed on 12-24-2016 in Garden Grove.”
–Jeanette from Orange County
“An employee of ours who is a Mexican citizen and lives in TJ, has a CA driver’s license and got a ballot in his name here at the office.”
–Will from San Diego
Reasons for California’s Election Problems
Reform California outlines three main reasons why California’s voting system is a mess:
Demand for Immediate Remediation
“While there is no way to fix the damage that has been done to the integrity of our election by mailing out so many erroneous ballots, we are calling on the State of California election officials to commit to immediate remediation actions to minimize any impact of voter fraud to close races,” DeMaio said.
Reform California is demanding that state election officials immediately announce and commit to taking three corrective actions:
“California’s politicians should be ashamed of the mess they have created in our elections and should apologize for and correct the problems immediately,” DeMaio said. “Without immediate changes, voters simply cannot have faith in the integrity of any election in the state of California – whether it is for a seat on a small water board or a seat in Congress,” DeMaio concluded.
Section 1: Examples of Ballots Mailed to Dead People
Section 2: Examples of Duplicate/Triplicate Ballots Mailed to Same Person