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You think the California state gas tax is too high? Get ready for a costly new “Mileage Tax” on top of what you already pay at the pump!
California state and local Democratic politicians are trying to implement a Mileage Tax on all drivers by 2025. At President Joe Biden’s direction, the federal government is currently exploring a Mileage Tax pilot program. Democrats in California are “volunteering” California to be the guinea pig for the pilot program and authorized state pilots with the passage of SB-1 in 2017.
Democrats say they need a Mileage Tax because cars have become more fuel efficient and California is also advancing a new mandate to require more electric vehicles be sold in California. The Democrats say these changes will result in them collecting less money from the gas tax from you - so the Mileage Tax was invented to force you to pay more.
Carl DeMaio, chairman of Reform California, is leading the opposition to the Mileage Tax proposal.
“At a time of record inflation and skyrocketing cost-of-living, California’s working families cannot afford yet another tax hike from reckless politicians,” said DeMaio.
DeMaio warns the proposal could be implemented regionally or statewide soon. DeMaio points to the recently-adopted “Regional Transportation Plan” in San Diego county as proof. The plan includes massive sales tax hikes along with a Mileage Tax of 4-6 per mile driven by San Diego commuters.
DeMaio warns voters across the state to be on the lookout for other counties to pursue Mileage Tax proposals.
“In every single race - whether it is for county supervisor or city council or state legislature - voters need to ask candidates for a simple YES or NO answer to whether the candidates support a costly new Mileage Tax,” DeMaio warns.
DeMaio says the best way to stop the new Mileage Tax from taking effect is to do two things. First, vote for state and local politicians in November who are strongly opposed to any new Mileage Taxes. Second, support the California Taxpayer Protection Act that would force a vote on any proposed Mileage Tax before it can be implemented.
DeMaio and Reform California are leading the effort to flip key seats in the November election using the Mileage Tax as a key wedge issue. Electing reform-minded candidates that will stand up for Californians will go a long way toward blocking future tax hike proposals.
In San Diego, for example, DeMaio is backing candidates to win enough seats on the county regional transportation board (SANDAG) to block any implementation of the Mileage Tax in San Diego.
Join the Fight: Stop the Mileage Tax