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Sacramento politicians are once again trying to manipulate markets to force consumers to do what they want - at much higher costs of course. This time they are pushing to mandate the sale of electric vehicles (EVs) to consumer who may or may not want them.
The California Air Resources Board (CARB) announced this month that 35% of passenger cars and trucks sold in California in 2025 will have to be zero-emission vehicles. To meet this goal, the state will have to nearly triple last year’s EV market share of 13% in just the next two years and 7 months.
But that’s not all. The mandate would increase from 35% in 2025 to 68% by 2030.
These mandates mark a major step toward a total ban on sales of new vehicles with internal combustion engines starting in 2035 — a goal set forth two years ago by Gov. Gavin Newsom (D).
State officials estimate that an investment of over $2.6 billion would be required to build out networks of public charging stations sufficient to handle the mandated numbers of EVs. The electric grid would require changes to meet demand as well.
Carl DeMaio, chairman of Reform California, says the electric vehicle mandate is trying to impose the will of California’s liberal politicians on car-buying consumers. He labels the effort a “war on consumers” and warns that it will likely cost more than $2.6 billion.
“Between the infrastructure and production costs, the total price tag of this mandate might compete with the infamous California ‘train to nowhere’ high speed rail project — which is costing the state over $100 billion,” said DeMaio.
What’s worse, explained DeMaio, those costs will be passed on to taxpayers.
"The mandate is not only patently unworkable, but will end up costing California consumers in the form of both higher car costs and energy costs," said DeMaio.
DeMaio predicts the mandate will lead auto manufacturers to artificially constrain the inventory of gas-powered cars in California (thereby raising prices of the gas-powered cars and reducing consumer choice) while also forcing consumers into buying more expensive EV cars.
DeMaio also predicts that the state’s energy grid will suffer as demand from car charging skyrockets.
“The liberal politicians in this state like Governor Newsom are determined to force you to switch to electric vehicles or public transportation — whether or not you can afford it, whether or not the auto industry is ready for it, and whether or not California's EV charging infrastructure can even handle it,” says Carl DeMaio.
But what can be done to stop politicians from manipulating markets and hurting consumers?
DeMaio argues that the path forward is to flip key target seats in the November 2022 election throughout the state. That’s why DeMaio and Reform California are working to recruit and support reform-minded candidates for the 2022 elections that will fight to stop these mandates coming out of Sacramento. Join the campaign today to help flip these key seats.
Join the Fight: Flip Target Seats in California