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• SB 663 would force every County Elections Officer to publicly release of the names and personal contact information for every voter who signs a petition on a ballot measure or to Recall a state politician.
• SB 663, which just won approval last week in the Senate Elections Committee and is fast-tracked for passage.
• CA Democrats are sponsoring this legislation in direct response to the Recall of Gov. Gavin Newsom.
• Carl DeMaio, Chairman of Reform California, is one of the leaders in the coalition effort to Recall Gov. Gavin Newsom and is an expert in Recalls and ballot measures in California.
• DeMaio is blasting this new legislation as a blatant attempt to get a “hunting list” of voters to harass and intimidate for signing the Recall against Gavin Newsom and any future Recalls against powerful politicians.
• DeMaio says SB 663 will also destroy the citizens’ initiative rights in California as voters will be reluctant to sign any ballot measure or Recall in the future for fear of retribution.
• “Because Democrats are using the toxic weapon of Cancel Culture, you can bet that their tactics will include harassing you at home, publicly posting your contact information, and even contacting employers,” DeMaio warns.
• To stop SB 663, DeMaio and his Reform California organization are leading a grassroots effort to block the law from passing and have promised to support a legal challenge to the law if it passes.
• “We are mobilizing immediately to block this law from taking effect both by opposing it in the legislature but also supporting an immediate legal challenge should it pass,” DeMaio pledges.
• Under current California state law the identities and contact information of voters who sign petitions such as recalls and ballot measures are protected and there is a penalty for violating privacy of these voters. The thinking is voters should have a right to privacy on petitions they sign – just as they have a right to privacy on votes they cast in a voting booth.
• DeMaio warns the law would have far-reaching consequences beyond just the Recall of Gov. Gavin Newsom.
• “I cannot overstate the damage that would be done to individuals – and our democracy as a whole – if we are forced to reveal the identities and personal contact information of voters who signed the Recall. Put simply if this shameful law passes, it will be the biggest voter suppression law this country has seen since the Jim Crow era and we will never be able to Recall another bad politician from office because voters will be too scared of harassment.”