DeMaio outlined why Newsom’s own policies are solely to blame for the high prices. A recent attack on Saudi Arabia oil production brought to light the shocking fact that California is the only state in the nation that is dependent on imported oil due to its crazy regulations costing more than $60 million a day!
“It’s simple: Gavin Newsom’s policies like Cap and Trade, restrictive regulations, and more are the root cause of high gas prices in California,” said Carl DeMaio. “Gavin Newsom is an arsonist firefighter — and he is setting up a phony investigation to try to cover up his own gas tax scam,” he continued.
DeMaio accused Newsom of intentionally using a phony investigation to cover up his own culpability on high gas prices and to distract from his fraudulent raids on gas tax revenues — moves he quietly made last week through a directive from the Governor’s office to shift funds from road repair projects to climate change initiatives.
“The only investigation needed is one into the fraud Gov. Newsom is committing by spiking the gas tax and stealing the money that should be going to roads,” said DeMaio. “Newsom is using this phony investigation to draw attention away from his own fraud on gas prices — namely the raids he ordered on our gas revenues that shift money from road repairs to his pet projects, and Californians must hold him accountable.” said DeMaio.