In response to Governor Gavin Newsom announcing he intends to seek a pay cut for state government employees with his revised budget for the coming fiscal year, Reform California Chairman Carl DeMaio offers the following response:
“Governor Gavin Newsom’s call for a pay cut is just a PR stunt to convince voters that they should support massive tax hikes and taxpayer-funded bailouts for all the other reckless spending Newsom and Sacramento politicians are engaging in. At best, the pay cut will happen only on paper and state and local government employees will still receive compensation packages far in excess of what is justified in the local labor market. If Newsom were serious about fixing California’s finances, he would stop outrageous spending on things like welfare for illegal immigrants, pension spiking in state and local government, and the High-Speed Rail Train.”
DeMaio is a nationally-recognized government management and budget expert who chaired the California Citizens’ Budget Project that helped expose the financial crisis during Governor Gray Davis’ Administration and as a city councilmember helped save the City of San Diego from bankruptcy by reforming its budget and pension system in 2012.