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After months of surging crime in his city, far-Left progressive San Francisco District Attorney Chesa Boudin has been recalled from office.
According to the unofficial canvas of the vote, Boudin lost the recall by a roughly 20 point margin, with the vote coming in as “yes” to recall at 59.98% and “no” at 40.02%.
The result was to be expected. A poll released last week by EMC Research found that 67% were voting “yes” to recall Boudin, while 31% said they would vote “no.” Though even while expected, the recall has sent a political shockwave throughout California and the country that “soft-on-crime” policies are unpopular.
Carl DeMaio, chairman of Reform California, one of the largest grassroots organizations in the state, said that the recall is of “national importance."
“Chesa Boudin getting recalled in liberal San Francisco proves that even Democrat voters are angry about the 'coddle-the-criminal' policies of the Left,” DeMaio said.
“These policies are being implemented by radical district attorneys and attorneys general across the country, and this recall should signal to them that these policies are extreme, unpopular, and will get them removed from office,” he continued.
Boudin, District Attorney of California’s 4th-largest city, said the recall was "attacking progressive, reform-minded DA’s."
But DeMaio counters that there has been little progress or reform for the better with Boudin’s policies. Under Boudin’s watch in San Francisco, car thefts and burglaries have spiked, as well as homicides and shootings. The grassroots recall campaign drew on voters’ growing anxiety over this rising crime to propel the measure to success.
And it's not just happening in San Francisco. All over the state and country, “soft-on-crime” policies are being rejected. In Los Angeles, District Attorney George Gascon appears likely to face his own recall election. Meanwhile, California Attorney General Rob Bonta may be in danger as Nathan Hochman advances to challenge him in the November general election.
“The recall is a victory for the grassroots and for law and order, and we will build on that momentum as we head to November,” said DeMaio.
DeMaio and Reform California are leading the campaign to flip key seats and support candidates that will work to clean up crime. In addition to electing better candidates, DeMaio is working on other changes at the ballot box, including several future initiatives that will restore public safety. Join the campaign today to make California safe again.
Join the Fight: Flip Key Seats and Restore Public Safety