Billed as a program to put homeless San Diegans on a path to permanent housing, Mayor Gloria appears to just be using even more taxpayer money in an attempt to prop up his failed plan to address the city’s homeless issue.
“While the City has an obligation to make sure we don’t have another communicable disease outbreak like hepatitis A among our homeless population, we can do so with compassion and while respecting their dignity,” said Mayor Todd Gloria. "My budget invests in programs that lead directly to moving our vulnerable neighbors off the streets and into care, shelter and, ultimately, stable homes. It's time we begin to match the severity of the emergency with the strategies necessary to meaningfully confront it," Gloria continued.
Homelessness in San Diego has been a top issue for residents. Now, Gloria is spending more than ever to address it.
Carl DeMaio believes there is a major flaw in the Mayor’s plan. That flaw is the plan itself.
“For the past 10 years Todd Gloria has been the author of our failed homeless programs here in San Diego,” Carl DeMaio stated.
“He’s the one who decided to strip police of their ability to enforce vagrancy, loitering, panhandling, and drug laws - giving police no ability to use a tool of law enforcement to force people into the life-saving programs they desperately need. Now he wants to buy hotel rooms and Housing First units at $900,000 a pop because he has hotel owners to buy off and affordable housing developers to line the pockets of,” DeMaio continued.