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Are you concerned about the state of the education system and curriculum in California? You’re not alone - and Reform California is hoping you’ll consider doing something about it.
Reform California is launching a campaign to recruit and support candidates for school boards who will respect input from parents, remove controversial curriculum from the classroom, and fix failing schools.
The program is kicking off with an orientation for prospective school board candidates on June 18th, where members of the public can learn more about running for office and the concerns parents are feeling.
Carl DeMaio, chairman of Reform California, explained that school districts are currently failing parents and students — and that something needs to change by running better candidates.
“Parents are fed up for a number of reasons — and contrary to what you read about in the liberal media, it’s not just over schools being locked down in California while the rest of the schools across the country were open or the divisiveness of mask and vaccine mandates,” DeMaio explained.
“Parents from all political backgrounds are shocked by the extreme and divisive curriculum being taught in the classroom and by the disrespectful treatment of parents by school officials and board members,” DeMaio continued.
“On top of that, parents see that student academic achievement is plummeting, but school officials seem focused on divisive political topics rather than doing what is best for the children,” DeMaio noted.
DeMaio believes the 2022 election will bring a huge change in school board leadership across the state - but only if good candidates step up and actually run for office.
Recent election results support DeMaio’s analysis. In February, voters overwhelmingly rejected three controversial San Francisco School Board members and recalled them from office. Even in the Democratic stronghold of the Bay Area, parents are rising up to oppose extreme curriculum and demand elected officials fix failing schools.
The lopsided vote suggests parents of all political persuasions are seeking change in how school districts are being run, and it may have been just the beginning of a statewide parents’ revolt come November.
“We’re working to win school board seats and elect common-sense school board leaders who will actually listen to parents and run our schools with professionalism and with a laser-focus on doing what is best for students,” DeMaio explained.
“We cannot wage this battle alone — we rely on the support of grassroots contributors and volunteers, so this is a fight that everyone needs to join today — our children are depending on us to act,” DeMaio concluded.
Join the Fight: Reform California Campaign to Elect New School Board Members