In the midst of a severe economic downturn and pandemic, local politicians in San Diego county are asking struggling taxpayers for even more money by filling November’s local election ballot with 13 separate tax hike measures. Local politicians hope that a crowded ballot combined with no funded and organized opposition campaign may result in their favored tax hike passing. Not this year. A coalition of activists, elected leaders, and taxpayer advocates led by Reform California today will hold a press conference to announce a unified campaign to defeat all 13 local tax measures. The development of an organized opposition campaign to these tax hikes increases the likelihood they will be defeated.
Local Bond Measures: $2.494 Billion
Local Bond Measures: $2.494 BillionLocal Tax Measures: $50+ million per year
“At a time when San Diego families are already struggling because of the economic downturn and the pandemic, local politicians should be ashamed that they filled up San Diego county’s election ballot with tax hikes and more debt. These same politicians were hoping no opposition campaign would be launched against their tax hike, but we’re here to make it clear that we will fight every tax hike and debt proposal on the San Diego county local ballot. By voting NO on all of these flawed and costly measures, voters can tell San Diego County politicians loudly that we won’t support their out-of-control and out-of-touch spending.” – Carl DeMaio, Chairman, Reform California