Reform California’s statewide campaign to reform school boards and remove toxic curriculum from the classroom is gaining attention. The San Diego Union Tribune ran a profile in its Sunday edition today on the grassroots effort to flip school board seats and two candidates that are receiving training and support.
Reform California founder and former San Diego City Councilman Carl DeMaio said the organization aims to train and support candidates with a goal of slating a candidate for every school board seat on the ballot.
“The school boards don’t respect parents,” DeMaio said. “Parents are the clients or customers of schools … The parent’s voice is so important. Unfortunately, we have school board members who, because they are owned and operated by these special interests, have shut parents out of the discussion. The only way to get those changes is to completely shake up leadership in each of the school districts.”
DeMaio said Reform California will offer training and mentorship to its candidates and possibly organize them in slates for individual districts. It may also provide financial support for campaigns, but that would be decided on an individual basis, according to “the seats that are most winnable, the candidates that are working the hardest,” he said.
Read the Full Union Tribune Story