“Governor Needs to Propose Fundamental Budget Reforms to Prevent Insolvency”
Watch the town hall below
Reform California Chairman Carl DeMaio was on KUSI this morning to discuss how the majority of Californians are ...
Watch the town hall video below
Politicians in Sacramento have launched their all-out assault to repeal Prop 13 and raise taxes this November.
If Governor Gavin Newsom and California Democrats really wanted to help struggling small businesses and millions of ...
With only a handful of votes left to be counted, our campaign has fallen short of making the runoff in the race for Cong
Congressional Candidate Carl DeMaio today released a major initiative to combat homelessness which has reached epidemic
A day after Gov. Gavin Newsom announced he would order an investigation into why California’s gas prices are so high ...
Coalition Proposes Presidential Declaration and Citizens’ Initiative to Force Closure of Border with Tijuana on Any Day
Carl DeMaio joined leading experts in public health and vector pest control today in released an explosive report ...
Experts Urge Governor to Declare Public Health Emergency, Warn of Risks of Epidemic Outbreak Without Immediate ...
Ads urge San Diego voters to take action against politicians who want to raid Road Repair funds and add a “Congestion ..
During the week of June 10, the San Diego City Council will meet behind closed doors to vote on whether to seek to ...
“If SANDAG proceeds forward, the politicians who vote for these unpopular proposals will undoubtedly face the wrath ...
Carl DeMaio and Local Leaders to Issue Urgent Call to Action As County Board Considers Opposition to Sanctuary State Law
Reform California, which led the successful Recall of State Senator Josh Newman over the Gas Tax Hike, Releases List ...
Today the Fourth District Court of Appeals issued an order to financially compensate 4000 city employees in light of ...
Just 90 Days in Office, Gov. Gavin Newsom Out-of-Step with California Voters on Death Penalty, Water Tax, Gas Tax ...
Today the US Supreme Court opted to not hear a case filed by the City of San Diego regarding First Amendment rights ...